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How to Use “MAKE” and “DO” Correctly in English

The comprehensive guide to understanding language skills

The verbs “make” and “do” are among the most commonly used verbs in the English language in various situations and conversations. Some people may feel confused about distinguishing between them and may mix them up due to their overlapping meanings. However, the correct usage of each of them varies significantly in the context of sentences and their structures.

In this article, we will help you understand the difference between “make” and “do” and how to use each of them correctly in English, in order to avoid making mistakes when speaking in various situations, expressions, or phrases that are associated with each verb individually.


The Difference Between “Make” and “Do” in English

To distinguish between the two verbs, “make” and “do,” in the English language, we need to understand their correct usages. Regarding the verb “do,” it can be used as a main verb, not as an auxiliary verb or in question forms. “Do” can be used in several cases, including when talking about an action, task, or job, when discussing a general unspecified activity, and when the meaning of the sentence is clear and the main verb can be replaced with “do.” For example, “I do my homework” and “I need to do (brush) my hair”.

Furthermore, “make” can be used in various situations, including creating something, making changes to an existing item, preparing food, making plans and decisions, forming friendships or relationships, and much more.

On the other hand, “do” can be used in many contexts, including discussing daily routine activities like personal hygiene and cooking, talking about work or a job, and discussing sports or hobbies.


The verb “make” in English has multiple uses, including:

Indicating the origin of a product or materials used in creating something.

Referring to causing a result or reaction.

Discussing plans, achievements, progress, or decision-making.

Describing communication and sounds.

Expressing food and drink preparation.

Talking about money.

For example, “This product is made in China,” “Can I make you a coffee?” and “Ali makes a lot of money.” Note the exception with “bed,” as we say “Make the bed.”


What are the expressions that come with the verbs “Do” and “Make”?

You can benefit from some expressions that come with the verbs “Do” and “Make” in the English language, which serve as linguistic tools to use the language more professionally in various situations.

Some expressions that come with the verb “Do” in English include:

Do the housework.

Do the laundry.

Do the dishes.

Do homework.

Do business.

Do a good job.

Do exercise.

Do your best.

Do anything.

Do an assignment.

Do well.

Do the shopping.

Do research.

Do the right thing.

These expressions can be used in sentences like:

I need to do the laundry today.

She always does a good job at work.

He does his best in everything he does.

Can you do the dishes for me, please?

Let’s do some exercise together.

I have to do my homework before tomorrow.

The company is doing good business this year.

I’ll do anything to help you.

He did well on his exam.

She’s doing the shopping for the party.

He’s doing research for his thesis.

We should always do the right thing, even if it’s difficult.


Some expressions that come with the verb “Make” in English include:

For preparing breakfast/lunch/dinner, other phrases like “prepare breakfast/lunch/dinner” or “cook breakfast/lunch/dinner” can be used.

Instead of “make a cup of tea,” you can use “brew a cup of tea.”

“Earn money” can be used instead of “make money.”

Instead of “make a reservation,” you can use “book a reservation.”

“Realize a profit” can be used instead of “make a profit.”

“Form friendships” can be used instead of “make friends.”

“Place a phone call” can be used instead of “make a phone call.”

“Tell a joke” can be used instead of “make a joke.”

“File a complaint” can be used instead of “make a complaint.”

“Create a change” can be used instead of “make a change.”

“Commit a mistake” can be used instead of “make a mistake.”

“Give a comment” can be used instead of “make a comment.”

“Give a promise” can be used instead of “make a promise.”

“Ensure something” can be used instead of “make sure.”

“Make a statement” can be used instead of “make a point.”

In conclusion, here is a summary of the difference between the verbs “make” and “do” in English and expressions related to each verb:


The verb “do” is used to refer to actions in general and to express repetitive tasks.

On the other hand, the verb “make” is used to express food, money, relationships, communications, plans, decision-making, and products.

Remember these differences and expressions related to each verb to use English correctly and professionally.

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