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English for Business Management – How to Write Meeting Minutes

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English is considered the global language of business and the primary means of communication between companies and institutions worldwide. Proficiency in understanding and using English effectively is crucial for the success of business professionals in the global business environment. One of the essential documents that managers must write in English is meeting minutes. In this article, the GoTalky platform provides a method for writing meeting minutes in English.


How to Write Meeting Minutes?

Meeting minutes are important documents for documenting events and decisions in organizational and administrative meetings. Here’s how to write meeting minutes in three paragraphs:

  • Introduction and Basic Information: Meeting minutes should begin with the date and location of the meeting, a list of attendees with their names and positions. It should also specify the name of the person chairing the meeting and the name of the person taking the minutes. Documenting this basic information helps guide the reader to the content of the minutes.
  • Summary of Content: In this paragraph, document the key points and topics discussed in the meeting. This summary should include the names of individuals who presented reports or presentations, the topics discussed, and the decisions made. It is recommended to organize the topics logically based on their sequence in the meeting.
  • Decisions and Future Actions: In this paragraph, identify the decisions made during the meeting and any future actions that need to be taken. These decisions should be clear and specific, with responsibilities and deadlines specified if necessary. This contributes to the effective implementation of decisions and follow-up.


By following these three steps, you can write meeting minutes that are clear, organized, and easy to understand and use later. Remember that accuracy and clarity of content are essential when writing meeting minutes.


How to Write Meeting Minutes in English from GoTalky
GoTalky is an online platform specialized in offering educational content and practical guidance for individuals looking to grow in their professional lives. The platform offers a wide range of resources that can help you enhance your skills and develop your professional expertise. The platform also offers a wide range of courses for those who are seeking to develop their English language skills like the online English speaking course for beginners for anyone who has just started their learning journey, the effective English pronunciation course and the accent reduction and clarity in English course for those who want to develop their pronunciation, the business English speaking training program to enhance your English at work and finally the advanced English speaking skills course aligned with both the spoken English course with native speakers and the English fluency course for non-native speakers for anyone who wants to take their fluency to the next level.


Writing meeting minutes in English requires a meticulous documentation process of the events and decisions that occurred during the meeting. It is essential to start by specifying basic information such as the date and location of the meeting and the names of attendees. After that, a summary of the topics discussed should be documented briefly, along with identifying individuals who presented reports or presentations. Decisions and actions should be clear and specific, with responsibilities and deadlines specified if necessary.


It is important to sign and date the minutes, and they may need authentication by the person who chaired the meeting. After writing the minutes, they should be shared with attendees and those involved in the decisions and actions. Ready-made templates or technological tools like the GoTalky platform can be used to facilitate the process of writing and organizing minutes effectively. With these guidelines, you can prepare effective and understandable meeting minutes in English to facilitate communication and decision implementation.


How to Write a Meeting Report?

Writing a meeting report is a vital task in the field of business and organizational management. The purpose of this report is to document meeting events, decisions made, and future actions. Here are two paragraphs explaining how to write a detailed meeting report:

  • The process begins by gathering basic information. The date and location of the meeting should be specified, along with a list of attendees and their roles. Any absences or remote participation should also be clarified. After that, you can start writing a general summary of the session, documenting the topics discussed in total and specifying the agenda. Key issues focused on should also be clarified.
  • In the second paragraph, focus on detailing the topics discussed more accurately. Mention who presented presentations or explanations and summarize them. Document the key points discussed and any other important details. Then, provide a list of decisions made during the meeting and explain them clearly. Specify assigned responsibilities and deadlines if there are any.
  • The meeting report reaches an important point in documenting and organizing institutional activities and making effective decisions. When written accurately and transparently, it becomes a valuable tool for future reference and ensures the effective implementation of decisions.


How to Start Writing a Report?

The beginning of report writing is a crucial process to ensure the preparation of a clear and organized document. Here are two paragraphs explaining how to start writing a report:

  1. Task Analysis and Comprehensive Understanding of the Topic:

Before starting to write the report, it is essential to have a deep understanding of the task or topic you will address in the report. Review available information and data and gather more if necessary. Define the goals and questions the report will answer and identify the target audience.

  1. Prepare a Plan and Structure for the Report:
    After analyzing the task, prepare a plan for the report that outlines its structure and content. Divide the report into main sections and chapters that facilitate the organization of information. Provide titles for each section and specify the key points to be covered in each section. This will guide you during the writing process and help you avoid deviating from the main topic.


A strong start and a well-established structure for the report will contribute to facilitating the writing process and making the report more understandable and convincing for the reader. You can also rely on appropriate writing techniques, such as using an engaging introduction to capture the reader’s attention, employing clear transitions, and logically conveying ideas. Careful text formatting will also make it elegant and well-organized.


Examples of Meeting Minutes?

Meeting minutes are documents that record events and decisions in organizational and administrative meetings. Examples of meeting minutes include:


  • Executive Meeting Minutes: Used in companies and organizations to document decisions made by the board of directors or executive management. Typically contains details of crucial decisions and strategic topics.
  • Weekly Meeting Minutes: Prepared to document discussions during team or department meetings on a weekly basis. May include reports on project progress and decisions made.
  • General Meeting Minutes: Prepared for large and public meetings such as association meetings and conferences. Contains agendas and detailed information on relevant topics.
  • Small Team Meeting Minutes: Used in daily or regular meetings for small teams. Includes a brief summary of topics and decisions.
  • Virtual Meeting Minutes: Prepared for online or video conference meetings, documenting events and discussions taking place through digital media.


These are various examples of meeting minutes used in different practical and administrative contexts to document and organize activities and decisions made during meetings.


What are the most important skills for writing meeting minutes?

Writing meeting minutes is a task that requires a specific set of skills to ensure that events are accurately and clearly documented. Among the most important of these skills are:

  • Effective Listening and Observation:
    The minute-taker should be skilled in listening to discussions and noting important details during the meeting.
  • Writing and Language Skills:
    Strong writing skills and proficiency in the language used in the minutes, whether in English or any other language, are essential.
  • Information Organization and Arrangement:
    Information should be organized logically in the minutes, ensuring that no important details are missed.
  • Accuracy and Attention to Detail:
    Verify the accuracy of information and details recorded in the minutes to avoid errors and inaccurate clarifications.


What are the elements of writing meeting minutes?

The elements of writing meeting minutes include the following:

  • Meeting Details: Date, time, and location of the meeting, as well as the names of attendees and any absences if necessary.
  • Agenda: A list of the topics discussed during the meeting.
  • Summary of Topics: A brief explanation of each topic discussed, including the names of participants and decisions made.
  • Decisions and Actions: Detailed information on the decisions made during the meeting, specifying responsibilities and deadlines.


What does the conclusion of the minutes include?

The conclusion of the minutes typically includes the following:

  • Signature and Date: The signature of the person who wrote the minutes and the date of writing.
  • Authentication and Additional Signatures: If there is a need to authenticate the minutes by a specific person or additional signatures from attendees, it should be mentioned in the conclusion.
  • Thanks and Closure: Expressions of gratitude to the attendees and appreciation for everyone’s efforts in the meeting can be added.


What is a business agenda?

A business agenda is an official document prepared to document the activities and decisions made during a meeting or work session. It includes a summary of the agenda, the topics discussed, decisions made, and the names of attendees and any absences if necessary. The business agenda is used to accurately document events and can be referred to in the future to ensure the implementation of decisions and follow-up.


What is the meaning of the word “Mahdar” in English?

The word “Mahdar” translates to “Minutes” in English, referring to the document that records the events and decisions made during a specific meeting. The term “Meeting Minutes” is used to denote the minutes of the meeting, which is an essential part of administrative and institutional management.


What does the signature of attendees represent in meeting minutes?

The signature of attendees in meeting minutes represents confirmation from individuals regarding their attendance and participation in the meeting. It is considered a crucial part of documenting the meeting, contributing to transparency and credibility. Additionally, the signature of attendees can be used as evidence in case there is a need to authenticate the minutes or verify the presence or absence of a specific person during the meeting.

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